a vision

Nudging the scribes of memory and imagination to embrace the prophetic role.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Ninang J at Wordhouse Stand for?

Ninang J at Wordhouse assumes the role of nurturer and encourager of authors and aspiring writers. In Filipino culture, a Ninang is a godmother or a second mother, a friend and fellow sojourner entrusted to help, care for, and develop the well-being of a child or offspring.

How does Ninang J at Wordhouse deliver its services?

We offer an explanation of our professional services, catering to those in the writing and publishing community in general, and to beginning writers, editors, and translators in particular.

How much does our services cost?

Our pricing depends on the demands of the final manuscript. Please see below for our collaboration requirements.

Does Ninang J offer a specific product?

The product we have at the moment is a course module workshop open for enlistment or enrollment. It is a two month course that is offered for those who are intent on publishing their finished works, and are eager to work towards its enhancement.

How will you contact Ninang J at Wordhouse?

You can reach us simply by letting us know of your email address in any of the form submissions we have provided in this website. We are always happy to answer your questions.

Where can you learn more about Ninang J at Wordhouse?

You can explore other sections of this website, such as the "About Us" page or our Write Push blog, and by subscribing to our newsletter. On this page, we have also detailed our requirements for collaboration. Thank you for your interest.

What Can You Submit For Review?

If you have a final draft of your work, submit a pitch and proposal sheet plus a summary of your writing project. On the PPS, indicate the total number of words or pages of your final draft. Indicate sources, readings, and other related literature.

The 300-word summary of your manuscript must contain the abstract, content, or subject matter of your writing and your prospective reader.

If your work is considered for posting or publication, you will be asked to send a short information about yourself, a table of contents, and the first part/pages of your work.

What can you expect after your submission?

You will hear from us within two weeks after your date of submission. We may send you an invitation for collaboration once we have read your summary. We may ask you to send us the whole manuscript for a more exhaustive review. If you don't hear from us, that means that we may be considering other materials for the time being.

What is involved in a collaboration?

If you accept our invitation to collaborate, we will offer to work with you toward the publication of your manuscript under our imprint. The collaboration will entail a shared costing of some or all processes of production.

What is the difference between an offer to collaborate and an offer to do an exhaustive review?

Our team encourages the publication of books under the PAWR1 imprint. If your manuscript is a memoir, we will eagerly consider working with you on the development of your manuscript.

What else is offered aside from the above?

For manuscripts that have been finalized, you may also opt to enroll in our PAWR1 one-on-one workshop. This workshop aims to guide you on a ten-hour systematic editing and rewriting of your draft. You may only enroll in this workshop if you have a final manuscript ready for review.

What is PAWR1 and how can you enroll?

For information on this one-on-one workshop, please go to Page-a-Writer.com and indicate your information on the contact form.

If you are interested in contributing articles to Ninang J at Wordhouse, use the submission form below.

Your essays for publication

Fill out this form to submit your work for consideration to be posted in Ninang J at Wordhouse. Include your name, title of work, word count or page count, and email address.