a vision

Nudging the scribes of memory and imagination to embrace the prophetic role.

Flash fiction and Short Stories
children making sand castle
children making sand castle

called to write

The young have unique dreams, perspectives, and aspirations waiting to be told. Their fresh perspectives resonate with an authenticity that can ignite change and drive hope and progress. Their individual stories give us inspiration and a deeper understanding of our surroundings. Their songs and verses challenge conventions, break barriers, and redefine what is possible.

Young people are impressionable. They often look up to mentors who can guide their thinking and direction. They are influenced by successful people. How they will declare themselves to the future world depends largely on how their 'idols' perform before their eyes. Their hopes and aspirations hinge on the encouragement and inspiration of their models. How they gain confidence and celebrate the generations before them!

Wordhouse celebrates stories of young love, journeys of innovation, narratives of self-discovery, and coming-of-age tales of these young voices.

Personal Essays and Poems

Testimonies about growing up, familial struggles, tales of friendship, first-time experiences, school-related stories, community relations - the subjects are endless. Every creative non-fiction resonates with young readers as it addresses the thoughts, concerns, and experiences specific to their age group. The anecdotes, essays, memoirs, and youthful exposes unravel the complexities of growing up that adults often take for granted.

Creative-non-fiction devised ways of essaying lessons and discoveries. From mere deductive and inductive structuring based on a formal knowledge of logical essay writing. Story-telling utilizes the elements of fiction and playwriting, even the performative aspects of poetry, in writing about young adventures. The first-person point of view gazes at a moment and makes sure that language will make the memory linger in the minds of the readers. But even with an unreliable narrator, a moment will get stamped in a young mind’s consciousness by this creative imagination of the experience through writing.

Wordhouse gathers these creative telling of intuition, ideas, and imagination in personal essays and stories that mirror the realities of the young generation.

young girls dancing on the beach
young girls dancing on the beach
a mission

Encouraging authors, translators, originators toward discipline and diligence

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