20 Writing Prompts for Your Quiet Time-Journal


boy reading Holy Bible while lying on bed
boy reading Holy Bible while lying on bed

Journaling is an integral part of the Christian writer's discipline. This practice of recording our daily reflection, prayer, worship, and thanksgiving allows us to memorialize insights from our quiet time with the Lord. A 'Word from God' is often illuminated as we write in our journals. But sometimes, we just don't know how to begin writing our ideas.

Below is a list of 20 journal entry prompts to nudge our discipline for this task of journaling and override any 'writer's block' during our devotions.


  1. Meditation on a Bible verse.

  2. Description of an answered prayer.

  3. A letter to God.

  4. Explore a character trait of God.

  5. Record a moment of spiritual growth.

  6. Write a personal testimony.

  7. Illustrate an encounter with God in nature.

  8. Pray for someone in need.

  9. Study a challenging Bible passage.

  10. Comment on a sermon or devotional.

  11. Tell the story of a kind act you witnessed.

  12. Witness that moment of God's strong presence.

  13. Rephrase a psalm of praise.

  14. Promise or desire to cultivate a spiritual discipline.

  15. Explain a struggle or challenge to yourself.

  16. Follow the journey of a biblical character.

  17. Craft a Poem-prayer of surrender.

  18. Describe a moment of awe and wonder.

  19. Tell an anecdote about a spiritual mentor or role model.

  20. Interpret or translate a hymn or worship song.

While the spiritual revelations in these journal entries, by his grace, will highlight the wisdom and guidance that can resonate and apply to the personal circumstances of other individuals, the journaling discipline is a precious opportunity to draw closer to the Lord and experience His power to change our lives.